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mp3seznam.cz - Žádný ze zde umístěných souborů se nenachází na tomto serveru. Proto nezodpovídáme za jejich kvalitu ani za porušování autorských práv - tuto zodpovědnost nese server na který odkazujeme.
 1. Christine Lewis  Wireless technology for South Australian public libraries  VALA 2006 
 2. Don Schauder, Graeme Johanson & Wal Taylor  Libraries, ICT policy and Australian civil society   
 3. CNET News  A Discussion About 4G Wireless Technology  THE CANDLESHORE PODCAST 
 4. News@Cisco  Cisco Systems Teams with Red Bull Cheever Racing to Bring Wireless and VoIP Technology to the Indianapolis 500  News@Cisco podcast 
 5. Sustainability Task Force  STF Libraries Interview  Sustainability Podcast Series 
 6. Angela Semifero  Gaming in Libraries  OPAL: Online Programs for All 
 7. Cory Doctorow  Technology giveth, technology taketh away  http://delicategeniusblog.com 
 8. Thomas DiLorenzo  Economics of the Public and Semi-Public Sector  Mises University 
 9. Giant Gnome Productions  Public Service Announcements #2: Public Transport  Public Service Annoucements 
 10. Thomas DiLorenzo  Economics of the Public and Semi-Public Sector  Mises University 
 11. Thomas DiLorenzo  Economics of the Public and Semi-Public Sector  Mises University 
 12. Fahamu  China in Africa: A new colonialism or South-South solidarity?  Pambazuka News 
 13. Fahamu  China in Africa: A new colonialism or South-South solidarity?  Pambazuka News 
 14. Damian Lodge  What can the libraries learn from the Internet's 1   
 15. Mark Jordan  Drupal Hacks for Libraries  Access 2006 Conference: Ottawa, Ontario 
 16. David Lankes  Participation, Conversation and Libraries   
 17. The Chronicle of Higher Education  Episode 33: Libraries vs. IT Departments  Tech Therapy 
 18. Nate Bolt  The Future of User Experience in Libraries  OPALescence 
 19. ideaconference.org  Ed Vielmetti - Next Generation Libraries part 2  IDEA 2006 
 20. Annette Bailey (Virginia Tech)  LibX: A Firefox Extension for Libraries  Access 2006 Conference: Ottawa, Ontario 
 21. John Unsworth, Justin Locsei, Aaron Shaffer, Zachary Legg  The Value of Digitization for Libraries and Humanities Scholarship  Freedman Center in Kelvin Smith Library 
 22. ideaconference.org  Paul Gould - Next Generation Libraries part 3  IDEA 2006 
 23. Jane O. Newman  Forged Under Fire: The Fate of Libraries in Times of War  Text & Image: From Book History to the Book is History (Feb2) 
 24. Library Information Technology Association  LITA Ultimate Debate 2007 - Do Libraries Innovate?  ALA Annual 2007 
 25. Robin Chandler  University of California Libraries and the Implication of Mass Digitization  Text & Image: From Book History to the Book is History 
 26. Thomas DiLorenzo  Public Spending and Public Goods  Mises University 
 27. Public Image Ltd.  Public Image Ltd - Public Imag  Public Image 
 28. ideaconference.org  Ed Vielmetti and Paul Gould - Next Generation Libraries Panel part 4  IDEA 2006 
 29. Public Enemy  Public Enemy - 12 - Public Enemy - Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos  It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back 
 30. April 2006  1490 WNDV/South Bend, IN & 1580 WDND/South Bend, IN  Contributor: Lou Pickney 
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